Monday, October 27, 2014

IOP Sunrise

Last week my wonderful husband woke up super early and went to the beach with me to watch the sunrise (and to take pictures of course)! Isn't he the best??!! I love him so much...and the beautiful sunrise we got to see!

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. 
If you are going to print any of the pictures for personal use, please leave my logo on it.  Thank you!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Monday Fun-Day: Miscellaneous Adventures

This last Monday Laurel, our friend Tammy, and I went on our normal Monday photography outing. The only difference with this one was that we went to multiple places. Usually we pick one place and  spend a couple hours there, but this time we drove around pretty much all day taking pictures of different things. Here are some highlights of what we did:

1) Mel's Filling Station

Just some back ground on this "filling station." This is not an actual filling station or as we know it today, a gas station. This man, named Mel, bought this shanty place located right next to his tile store to show off some of his collectibles. As you can see below he had tons of old things such as pumping stations, a scale, air pressure pump, and signs that cover the entire building. Unfortunately we did not get to go inside where there are even more collectibles, but it was still really cool to see all the historic things he had outside. 

2) Kings Farm Market

This is one of my favorite places to go on Edisto Island. It is a little market right off of Highway 174 on your way to Edisto Beach. It has the yummiest treats including fresh fruits and veggies, jams, and so much more. They did not have an fruits blooming, but they did have a field of flowers filled with butterflies. The butterflies didn't want to stay still, but I got a few shots of these beautiful flowers.

3) Edisto Beach

It was an absolutely perfect day to go to the beach. It wasn't too hot and there was no one there! Perfect pictures moments. Besides the fire ants attacking us everywhere we decide to stand, it was an amazing view. I absolutely love the beach!

Overall, we had an amazing day!

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. 
If you are going to print any of the pictures for personal use, please leave my logo on it.  Thank you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Pictures

I just want to begin by saying that I have an AMAZING mother-in-law 
(not a lot of people can say that)! I absolutely love that we both love photography! So for weeks, we have been planning to do Fall pictures. We picked out each of our outfits carefully and the perfect spot and waa-laa they turned out great! Even though I probably drove both her and my husband crazy during this shoot, I think it was worth it for these! 

Thank you so much Laurel for taking these pictures for us! Love you!

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday Fun-Day: Downtown Summerville

Got to spend part of the day in downtown Summerville and loved it! Didn't take too many pictures, but here are a couple from our day out!

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. 
If you are going to print any of the pictures for personal use, please leave my logo on it.  Thank you!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bad Day Flowers

A few days ago I was having an AWFUL day at work. I won't mention why, but lets just say it was horrible. As usual Nick (my husband) came in a little early so that he could walk me out the car and take me home. We walked out and I am complaining how bad my morning at work had been and when we get to the car he pops out this beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers! He must have sensed that I was having a bad day or something. It definitely put me in a better mood! My husband is the best to say the least! 

Here are few pictures that I took of my "bad day flowers".

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. 
If you are going to print any of the pictures for personal use, please leave my logo on it.  Thank you!