Sunday, July 6, 2014

Oregon Trip 2014: Day 4 - Drive up the Coast

We woke up pretty early in the morning, said goodbye to our amazing 
family members, and hopped in the car for our fun day ahead!

Second Crescent City Beach we went to! 

Photo Credit: Nicholas Johnson

Somewhere on the coast in Florence, OR!

Random Beach that we stopped at!

I have to say, the Oregon Coast is really beautiful!

Please do not use any of the pictures for commercial use. Please do not use any of the pictures with people in it. 
If you are going to print any of the pictures for personal use, please leave my logo on it.  Thank you!


  1. Beautiful pictures! You are doing great with your photography! I especially love how you photograph flowers - very professional! Keep up the good work; maybe you can take pictures to supplement your income some day.

  2. Aww!! Thank you Nana! I still have a lot of learning to do, but I am so glad that you think my pictures are good! Maybe someday people will want to buy my photographs. It would definitely be awesome making money off of what you really love to do!
